Mello: Pen Palling

This past month I’ve been writing to pen pals. I’ve always loved collecting stamps and mailing letters, so I figured being a pen pal is a natural progression. I met some incredible people off of Instagram to exchange stuff with.

Going to the post office is a treat for me. The experience of being in the building filled with mail and paying for an international stamp for my lovely designed postcards.

I do get pen palling and using snail mail to communicate with others is considered something for an older crowd. I get it, I love technology but there is something so charming about getting something in the mail and going to the post office that simply texting doesn’t replicate. Plus, I can send American goodies to my international friends. This one pal from South Korea likes to collect stickers and one other pal from the Netherlands has a real sweet tooth for candies that they don’t have over there–like “Feastable” bars, Takis, and Froot Loops. In return they can send you content to try new experiences. Yes, international postage for packages are insane given this economy. But its worth everything. I don’t do it for myself. I do it to put smiles on the people I consider friends.

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