Bryson: A Thought on Preparation

For Audio/Radio Production class, the students have to make weekly 3-minute episodes, but we also have to make a 30-minute feature. I am an Eagle Scout, and I admittedly have lost that “be prepared” attitude since I’ve aged out of scouting. So this is a little bit of advice for those of you who are starting in college, whether it’s for broadcasting or anything else: BE PREPARED!!!

I spent a lot of time putting off the research for my 30-minute special. . . and the thing is: would you rather work in a high-stress environment, feeling like your heart will explode; OR, would you like to keep it cool and breezy? In all honesty, If I could go back in time, I’d prepare myself more for the work I was given. So my 2 cents: You don’t need to go back if you’re prepared and do it right the first time.

EDITOR’S NOTE: to hear Bryson’s 30-minute special, click here.

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