Rickie: Still Learning How to Blog. . .

So, this is my second go around at writing a blog. Still don’t know what to write about, but here goes nothing.

From my POV, it is a really big deal to do this–because, I still say that I’m not sure what I’m doing. In my situation, being 50+ and a student in college, it’s in my best interest to keep up with the times.

Like a lot of people my age, we sometimes get caught up in a state of mind that we don’t need to learn about this new technology. I think that some of us are just really afraid of showing that we just don’t have all the smarts that we thought we had. Some of us are afraid to ask for the help that we need. And some are just content to let the world pass us by. I learned that I can’t be like that anymore–and, there are people that are willing to help us. But you have got to want to make the effort.

The post that I had last week should have had this caption underneath it: “This is how you look when you don’t have a clue how to post or blog”. Dude, get with the times.

To me, I have the look of concern and possibly stress. What do you think? Does this guy really look like he could write a blog? Enough said.


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