Riley: Goodbye

When the prospect of making a podcast was first introduced, I was a little nervous. I had no previous experience with the workings of one and thought it would be really hard. At the time I was still breaking out of my shell and thought that I wouldn’t be able…


Riley: My Favorite Part

When looking at the work that we do in the podcast, the editing, producing, trivia, etc., it is safe to say that I enjoyed all of it. In the beginning of the class, I didn't actually have a lot of experience editing just audio. I did edit some last semester…


The End • The DRB Podcast

EPISODE 7 It's the final episode of The DRB Podcast. . . and Daniel, Riley, and Brandon discuss their reflections on the show and on the Spring 2024 Semester. Listen on 90.5 and 88.3 every Saturday at 11 and Sunday at 8. show less


Brandon: A Rollercoaster of Emotions

One final thought enters my head as I start towards the stairs, "Don't trip, don't trip!" My friends who have been on the show told me that you don't want the first thing everyone sees is you tripping up the stairs. You'll be embarrassed and it will set you up…


Riley: Childhood

On episode 6 of the DRB Podcast, we talked about the best time of our childhoods. I may be biased but I like to think that the early 2000s was the best time to grow up. When looking back, my favorite times as a kid was when it was a…


Riley: Almost the End

It’s getting to be the end of the semester, meaning towards the end of the podcast. Recording this podcast has been very fun and rewarding, not only for getting to know Daniel and Brandon better but also for learning more about audio editing and social media as well. I really…


Food • The DRB Podcast

EPISODE 4 Daniel Gaytan, Riley Connor, and Brandon Thomas will get you hungry as they discuss their favorite foods. Listen on 90.5 and 88.3 every Saturday at 11 and Sunday at 8. show less


Music • The DRB Podcast

EPISODE 5 In this episode: Daniel, Riley, and Brandon talk about their tastes in music. Listen on 90.5 and 88.3 every Saturday at 11 and Sunday at 8. show less


Brandon: The Staircase of Dreams

I had a full day to rest after I finished my b-roll and hero shots. During that time, I met up with some family and explored L.A. which included going right next the Hollywood walk of fame to the Guitar Center. I loved that store because at the front of…


Riley: Food

We are officially back from spring break with episode 4 of the DRB podcast, with a topic that never gets old… food.  I have always been a picky eater, anyone who knows me probably knows that fact. Despite that, I wouldn’t say that I don’t like food. I do like…


Brandon: It’s All Happening

After getting the call and doing my prep work, I had a huge pile of papers which included the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) that I had to sign to make sure I don't give away any results of the show. When I say a huge pile of papers, I mean it…


Brandon: Preparing

I just got the call to be on American Ninja Warrior. Now I have some decisions to make. At this point in time, I was in school for game design and was working over twenty hours a week. In order to get ready for the show, I knew I needed…


Riley:  Spring Break? 

Before spring break started I told myself that I was going to get a bunch of stuff done (with school and personal stuff) and I was looking forward to getting a lot completed but it unfortunately didn’t really work out that well.  I was lucky enough to go to the…


Brandon: Getting “The Call”

So now that we've sent the application, we have to do a lot of waiting. I submitted around early to mid-October and for what I was told you may not hear anything until as late as March. I hated not knowing, I needed to know if I needed to step…


Riley: Three is the Magic Number

Hi everyone, Riley here--one of the hosts of The DRB Podcast, and three really is the magic number. This is my third blog post, and we just released the third episode of DRB. I am really enjoying it so far, and that I am learning new things. In the most…


TV Shows • The DRB Podcast

EPISODE 3 Last week, the crew shared their thoughts about pictures on the big screen. In this episode: Daniel Gaytan, Riley Connor, and Brandon Thomas talk about their thoughts about entertainment on the small screen. Listen on 90.5 and 88.3 every Saturday at 11 and Sunday at 8. show…


Movies • The DRB Podcast

EPISODE 2 Daniel Gaytan, Riley Connor, and Brandon Thomas talk about movies, their opinions on certain movies, and their opinions on each other based on their opinions on certain movies. Listen on 90.5 and 88.3 every Saturday at 11 and Sunday at 8. show less


Daniel: My Introduction

Hello, hello, my name is Daniel Gaytan, I am 20 years old (almost 21). I am a student of Broadcasting Production Technology. I´m very bad doing introductions, so I´ll let you know that this blog may suck. What my plan for this blog is tell you some insights for the…


Riley: The “R” of “DRB”

Hi, I am Riley Connor, and I am currently studying Broadcast Production Technologies at Central Carolina Community College. I am also a co-host on the new slice-of-life podcast, “DRB.” Now that I have started working on DRB, I thought it would be a good idea to say a little bit…


Brandon: The Application Process

I mentioned in my last post that I was on American Ninja Warrior. For the past year I have had so much to say and for the life of me I wish I documented the journey better, but I still remember everything so clearly as if it happened yesterday. With…


Brandon: A Little About Me

Hey everyone, how's it going? My name is Brandon Thomas. I am new to this blogging thing but I'm going to be trying my best to post at least half decent content. I am not sure what type of content I will be posting but I know I will be…


Introductions • The DRB Podcast

EPISODE 1 Daniel Gaytan, Riley Connor, and Brandon Thomas introduce themselves in this episode--and, explain a bit of what to expect in shows to come. Listen on 90.5 and 88.3 every Saturday at 11 and Sunday at 8. show less